Foot protection:

It is an individual protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect the foot and leg from the risks that exist in the workplace, mainly against:

  • – Mechanical risks (falling objects, entrapments, sharp objects, cuts, slips, chain saw cuts, etc.)
  • – Thermal (ambient temperature, ground temperature, presence of fire, splash of molten metal, etc…)
  • – Chemical and electrical (electrostatic discharge and electrical contact)

Safety footwear is not designed to cover all risks at once, but the choice must be the correct one for the specific risks of each job, the result of a detailed study of the conditions in which operators carry out their tasks. .

Your choice should be based on the study and evaluation of the complex risks present in the workplace This includes the duration of exposure to risks, their frequency and severity, the conditions existing at work and its environment, the type of damage possible to the worker and his physical constitution.


Ramos STS® has a wide range of Safety Footwear, contact us.


(34) 91 797 65 50


C/ Campos Ibañez, 26

28021 – MADRID